Compensation Consulting

We provide broad menu employment services for a companies.

Leadership Training

We provide broad menu employment services for a companies.

Talent Acquisition

We provide broad menu employment services for a companies.
Train people quickly well with e-business.So they highly efficient manufactured products.Richard Branson

Our consultants believe in the value that you manage your regulatory compliance, policies, and procedures. We have specialist for managed employee performance,comparable to internal HR function.

Who we are

Why choose HR consulting
Services Company

Training Cource
Our advisers provides a broad menu service that identifies the task requirements in the organization job and designs the task
description with skill requirements for the task.

Strategic Partners

We believe in the value that our functions added to a business. Our strategic partners that specialist role for HR is success of a business.

Corporate Programs

Corporate Programs are that added our functions to a business. Our Strategic Partners that specialist role for HR is success of a business.

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our services

Deliver Outsourced
HR service's

We offer to include employment services such as payroll and our priorities have always remained the same: to benefits administration, HR management, and assistance with a employer.


In een gesprek met een ervaren assessmentpsycholoog vertel je jouw persoonlijke verhaal aan de hand van de vragen die je worden gesteld. Hierbij komen een aantal vaste onderwerpen aan bod. Door deze met de psycholoog te bespreken geef je verdere invulling aan wie je bent, wat je kan en wat je wil.


Het LACU maakt gebruik van HEXACO PI-R. Door het invullen van de HEXACO PI-R geef je een helder en compleet beeld van jouw persoonlijkheid, inclusief de eigenschappen die van belang zijn voor het vervullen van een uniformberoep.

Online praktijksimulaties

In de online praktijksimulaties die het LACU op maat heeft ontwikkeld krijg je te maken met situaties die je ook in uniformberoepen tegenkomt. Door op deze situaties te reageren laat je zien hoe jij hier in de praktijk mee omgaat. Blijf je kalm of word je boos? Zie je iets door de vingers of stel je grenzen? Toon je begrip of treed je op? Je kan het allemaal laten zien in de online praktijksimulaties.

Get the Human Resource Outsourcing Service’s. Book an appointment!

With our specialists, and experts at
your disposal, you will face complex.

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We Choose a Human Resources

We have our special functions are add to a business. We feel that this special functions is part of HR its piece of the success business.

Compensation Consulting

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the.

Leadership Training

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the.

Corporated Programs

The Clinic has the capacity to perform tests, both in the.

our testimonial

What employ say about
a human resources

We have introduced the value that our functions. We feel that this specialist part of Human Resources are contribution in digital marketing

Success Storie

Cources from human resource

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